
Studio Singing Frog is working on an animated film adaptation of the beloved Canadian classic, The Dog Who Stopped the War in 3D!

We are currently looking for a Senior Compositing Artist and a Senior Lighting/Compositing Artist to join the dynamic team. Located in Montreal’s Mile End area, the Studio has a rustic feel to match the film, as well as a team of passionate individuals with years of experience in both television and film. This is a great opportunity for someone who wishes to build on their background in full CG films/series, as well as the opportunity to experience summer in Montreal!

Check out the Studio’s promotional video right here: http://bit.ly/1FFctNV

For more information on the Senior Compositing Artist role, click here: http://bit.ly/1INl55d:D
for the Senior Lighting/Compositing Artist role, click here: http://bit.ly/1FiwPiu
Or, you can e-mail Thalia directly at: thalia.vitaniotis@stolo.com **Stolo Talent Management is recruiting for these positions exclusively

Start date: ASAP
End date: July-August
Salary: flexible
Must be authorized to work in Canada

Don’t miss out on this opportunity!