We are seeking a Junior Animator to join our team for a period of 8 weeks.
Timeline: June 2021-July 2021 (8 weeks)
Type: 35 hours per week
Salary: CAD $15.20/hr
This position will be under the Canada Summer Job program. For that reason, to be eligible for this opportunity, candidates must be:
- Between 15-30 years old
- Either a Canadian citizen or Permanent Resident (international students are not eligible)
To find out more about the Canada Summer Job program visit: https://www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-develop…
Role & Responsibilities
- Assist Animation team as needed to complete shots
- Import and export Maya files
- Assist in cleaning up motion capture data
- Animate scenes or single characters as directed
- Receive and send files through a secure VPN
- Assist with animation pipeline and associated workflows
- Collaborate with others to share techniques, ideas, and best practices
- Participate in dailies and all meetings requested
- Knowledge in Maya is required
- Great ability to take direction as well as accept critical review of your work
- Require knowledge of traditional and digital art skills
- Great sense of timing and posing
- Ability to communicate ideas clearly and concisely
- Solid work ethic and positive attitude
- Strong collaborative mindset
- Pro-active
- Efficient and detail oriented
- Great problem-solving skills
- Knowledge with Unreal Game Engine is a plus
- Be between 15-30 years old
- Be a Canadian citizen or Permanent Resident
About Bron Studios
Founded by husband and wife team, Aaron Gilbert and Brenda Gilbert, BRON Digital is a state-of-the-art virtual production and service company, that utilizes the Unreal Engine to develop and produce long-form animation for series television, short-form content, and motion pictures. This division leverages BRON’s extensive experience producing traditional CGI animation to apply and adapt the best practices of linear animation pipelines and marry those with Unreal Engine centered, virtual production workflows. The move allows BRON to broaden and expand its production and produce high quality content with much faster turnarounds.